TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results For 1/11 *Spoilers*

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The following results are tonight’s TNA Impact Wrestling TV taping results at Univeral Studios in Orlando, Florida, courtesy of Jacob Cohen:

Caleb Konley defeated Kongo Kong (match taped for TNA Xplosion)

Jessie Godderz defeated Eddie Kingston

– DCC showed up in the ring, but Jessie outsmarted then and was on the ramp after the lights came back up

Lashley defeated Eddie Edwards

– Lashley tried using the title as a weapon but Davey Richards took it away. Eddie nearly had the match won but Davey ended up pulling the ref out of the ring. Angelina Love was sitting next to Alexxis Neveah (independent wrestler and Eddie’s wife) and ended up attacking her while Lashley got the final pinfall. Angelina continued to attack Alexxis while Davey ran in and attacked Eddie.

The Hardys unveil a new and improved Vanguard 1, and say they will teleport all over the world and defeat every team and win every title no matter what promotion it is in. They tease going to the Honorable Ring to face The Bucks Of Youth, or going to MeekMahan’s company. The Hardys then touch Vanguard 1 and the lights go out, then they come back up and the Hardys and Vanguard 1 have teleported away. Jeremy Borash confirms Broken Matt texted him and said they were in Tijuana, Mexico. (*The Lucha Blog noted The Hardys are teaming with Rey Fenix next weekend in Tijuana to face Super Crazy, Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera)

TNA Grand Championship

Drew Galloway (c) defeated Mahabali Shera

– Galloway won via pinfall in the second round

Tyrus hosts his own ‘Fact of Life’ segment, and leads the Impact Zone in a ‘Eli has a mangina chant’. He says no one owns him, and he will see Drake in the ring next week.