WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/29): 3 New Champions Crowned, Styles/Cena Classic, Who Wins The Rumble?

Anderson goes for the cover with his boot on the second rope, but he gets caught by the referee. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer, but Anderson gets back on his feet. Cesaro with a drop toe hold and connects with the Swiss One Nine. Cesaro with a flying crossbody for a two count. Anderson with a back slide for a two count. Cesaro uppercuts Anderson. Cesaro with a boot to the face of Gallows. Anderson plants Cesaro with the Spine Buster for a two count.

The Club goes for the Magic Killer, but Sheamus gets in the way. Sheamus accidentally Brouge Kicks the referee. Anderson tosses Sheamus out of the ring. Cesaro gets Anderson in the Cesaro Swing. The other referee enters the match. Cesaro applies a Sharpshooter, but Gallows breaks the submission hold with a big boot. Anderson with the cover for a two count. Sheamus with a double leg takedown to Gallows. Sheamus transitions into the ground and pound attack. The Club plants Sheamus with the Magic Killer. Cesaro clotheslines Gallows over the top rope. Anderson rolls Cesaro up with a hand full of tights to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE Raw Tag Team Champions, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows 

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