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Sabu on How WWE Ruined ECW and its Talent, WWE Wanting Him to Put Over Talents Who Weren’t Ready, Mick Foley Getting New Book Published

Sabu Says WWE’s ECW Ruined ECW Originals

Title Match Wrestling posted the above video featuring former ECW star Sabu discussing his time in WWE, why he thinks his push halted in WWE, the downfall of ECW and more.

On his time in WWE, he says he’s not “bitter” about it, but noted that he was brushed aside in order to put over new talent, who he didn’t think were ready for a push, like Monty Brown, Elijah Burke and Mike Knox. He also said he thinks he didn’t get ahead in WWE because he didn’t kiss a**.

On WWE’s ECW and its downfall, he feels the reason why it “went down the drain” is because the ECW originals were eventually made to job to new talent, and the fans didn’t buy it.

Mick Foley Getting New Book Published

The following press release has been issued:

SAINT MICK by #1 New York Times bestselling author and

WWE Hall-of-Famer Mick Foley to be published Holiday 2017 by Polis Books

Polis Books is proud to announce the upcoming publication of Saint Mick by beloved author and wrestler Mick Foley. Jason Pinter at Polis acquired World rights for publication in October 2017. Featuring many never-before-seen photos, Saint Mick is part jolly memoir, part whimsical ode to a lifetime love affair with Christmas, and part tribute to the power of finding the best part of oneself in the unlikeliest of places. After a lifetime of putting his body on the line to entertain his dozens (and dozens!) of fans, the Hardcore Legend is paying the price—physically and emotionally. When the final bell on Mick’s career tolls—in a neurologist’s office rather than the ring—the future is far from merry and bright. Until hope and redemption come when Mick is given the chance to become Santa Claus—not dress up, not pretend, but become Santa.

Mick takes us inside the secret world of the Santa subculture, where “real-bearded Santas” and “traditional” or “mystical” Santas are often at odds as to who makes the better red-suited ambassadors. Along the way, Mick worries that he will be excommunicated from the Santa world for everything from his Santa character being run over on Christmas Eve on television, his intentional breaking of “The Santa Claus Oath” by promising toys to families in need, to his participation in a controversial Santa Claus documentary. Mick learns valuable lessons about the real power and responsibility of the red suit, and that success as Santa comes not by appearing in front of millions on TV, but by touching hearts and creating “Santa moments” for the young and the young at heart.

Mick Foley is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, a WWE Hall of Famer, and the author of numerous books for children. He has appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Good Morning America, Fox News, and The Today Show. He was featured in a story on ABC’s World News Tonight for his work as an online volunteer with RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization. Foley was also recognized for his work with RAINN at the famous “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” – where he was awarded the Medal of Reasonableness from Daily Show host Jon Stewart. Follow him at @RealMickFoley.


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