2/10 Edition of Impact Rebellion feat. Marti Bell: The Wolves Divided, The Broken Hardys Teleport, More

WrestleZone Radio
is proud to present the latest episode of Impact Rebellion!

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On this episode of you Impact Rebellion Big Ray & Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr) are your hosts!

On Impact Wrestling:

  • The Broken Hardys now have the ability to teleport anywhere and anyplace in space and time as they wind up South Of The Border in Tijuana Mexico in search of tag team gold!
  • Eli Drake leaves Tyrus high and dry as the DCC dominate the big man!
  • Braxton Sutter purposes to Laurel Van Ness?
  • Davey Richards plays the roll of Judas as he turns on his closest friend in Eddie Edwards in a despicable act of jealousy!
  • All this and more!!!

This episode of Impact Rebellion also includes:

  • 2 huge interviews as Bin and Big Ray have a chat with TNA Knockout and newly engaged Laurel Van Ness! We also have a great interview from the Road by our own Joe Dombrowski as he chats with Marti Belle!
  • Breaking Kayfabe With Okayfabe: Conor reports on the new budding relationship between Impact Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Noah of Japan

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