royal rumble
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Why Strowman vs Show Was So Good, Challenge Cruiserweight Division Has Compared To 20 Years Ago, Reason For Interest In Kelly Kelly Returning

Courtesy of the Pittsburgh Podcast Network
Courtesy of the Pittsburgh Podcast Network

Every Wednesday is Wrestling Reality presented by produced by the Pittsburgh Podcast Network.

0:00-4:00: Excerpt of open talking Braun Strowman vs Big Show:

We’ve seen Shawn Michaels and others famously do this over the years. See it a lot with faster pace matches and smaller guys. Strowman did it once and we are still buzzing about it. OF course his freakish size draw attention to it and that’s my point. People wonder why there are big guys in WWE and they have a fetish for big guys like Strowman who are taken from other worlds, in his case the powerlifting world, put on WWE roster when he had only handful of matches in NXT, not one on TV. He is their project. They saw moments like this and bigger ones in his future. They saw the size you can’t teach. The saw the athletic ability you can’t teach. They knew they could teach him the fundamentals and psychology. The project is still going and looking oh so shiny. This is a TV entertainment business. Big guys are always going to provide something of advantage. Pacing and placement of moves to get reaction at right time is huge. That’s what this art is based on. I’ll give you an example if not understanding inside the ring. You’re sitting on the side of the road watching this one lane road. You see 10 cars go by in 10 minutes. 8 of them go 50mph or faster. 2 of the cars go 25mph or slower. The slow cars you remember better. Everything else is the normal. Everything else was so fast you didn’t catch details of the car or can’t remember the colors. The 2 rolled by slow you have every detail and attention grabbing moment with it. That my friends summed up is why Strowman and Big Show turned the lights out on Monday night.

4:45-10:45: Appreciating smaller, faster styles, but the challenges. It’s why Cruiserweights worked in 1997 in WCW and never worked as well when WWE did a Light heavyweight division because of WWE’s main event guys.

10:50-15:30: Styles vs Harper and Styles vs Shane at WrestleMania? Remembering Harper before he was in WWE.

18:30-25:30: Wrestlers who passed away last week.

25:30-27:10 : Kelly Kelly going to return to WWE and why it’s happening:

They have a lot of girls who are very good wrestlers. We’ve had some great main event matches. But WWE still wants to have that mainstream crossover appeal. With Bella’s likely to be gone when Nikki leaves soon, they are going to want Kelly Kelly to fill that mainstream void. I think they know she needs more in-ring experience and talent and they will have her working hard to get better.

28:10-30:30: DDP in Hall of Fame. The first time meeting him. Explaining what the HOF really is.

31:15-38:10: Drew, VP  from Ticket King, talks who should be in the HOF, Uso’s current gimmick and more.

40:20-44:20: Questions from Twitter

44:30-55:45: Voicemails left by listeners on why the comeback to those who disagree with WWE shouldn’t be “Then stop watching” and more topics!

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