WWE 205 Live Results (3/14): Drew Gulak Vents Frustration, Who Will Face Neville At WrestleMania ?

First Match: Mustafa Ali vs. Drew Gulak

Ali and Gulak shakes hands. Gulak with a clubbing blow to the back of Ali. Gulak lands a knife edge chop. Ali with a rolling crucifix for a two count. Ali with a fancy Hurricanrana. Ali with a Springboard Crossbody onto Gulak on the outside. Ali rolls Gulak back into the ring. Ali with the cover for a two count. Gulak places Ali on the top rope. Ali goes for the Tornado DDT, but Gulak counters with a bodyslam. Gulak with a Springboard Stomp to the back of Ali’s neck for a two count.

Gulak gets Ali in the Gory Special. Gulak gets Ali in a pinning position for a two count. Ali with a series of forearm strikes to Gulak. Ali clotheslines Gulak. Gulak whips Ali to the corner. Ali connects with the eniziguri. Ali connects with the Roll Through Neck Breaker for a two count. Gulak with a leg sweep. Gulak counters with the sunset flip for a two count. Ali plants Gulak with the Tornado DDT. Ali connects with the Inverted 450 Splash to pickup the victory. After the match, Gulak says that 205 Live needs to change.

Winner: Mustafa Ali