WWE 205 Live Results (3/14): Drew Gulak Vents Frustration, Who Will Face Neville At WrestleMania ?

Second Match: Noam Dar & Ariya Daivari vs. Jack Gallagher & Rich Swann 

Gallagher and Dar starts things off. Dar applies a side headlock. Gallagher handstands out of the side headlock. Gallagher with a side headlock takeover. Dar backs Gallagher to the corner. Dar sends Gallagher to the top rope. Gallagher plays mind games with Dar. Daivari and Dar have the meeting of the minds. Gallagher applies a wrist lock. Gallagher goes for a tag, but Daivari knocks Swann off the ring apron.

Daivari with a flying elbow drop to Swann. Dar with the cover for a two count. Gallagher with a series of forearms to Daivari. Daivari tags in Dar. Dar applies a rear chin lock. Gallagher with a double leg takedown. Swann and Daivari are tagged in. Swann with a Double Stomp to the back. Swann connects with the Rolling Thunder for a two count. Daivari with a elbow strike that knocks Gallagher off the ring apron. Swann connects with a top rope hurricanrana. Dar makes the blind tag. Dar from behind dropkicks Swann to pickup the victory. After the match, Noam Dar gets Alicia Fox a massive teddy bear.

Winner: Noam Dar & Ariya Daivari