(Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images)

Triple H Talks WrestleMania 33 Surprises, Who He Expects to Make a Big Impact in NXT After ‘Mania, Past Comments About NXT Unhappiness

Triple h
(Photo credit THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images)

As noted, Triple H took part in an NXT Takeover Orlando conference call today, and below are more highlights.

On WrestleMania 33, Triple H said a lot of current storylines will play out “in a big way”, and added “of course” there will be some surprises.

On current developmental talent, Triple H said former Tough Enough contestant Patrick Clark comes to mind. Hunter praised Clark as a wrestling “sponge” with a lot of potential. He said Clark is one particular talent that he thinks we will see make a big impact in NXT following WrestleMania.

On past comments he has made in which he’s expressed unhappiness with NXT, Triple H stressed his remarks had nothing to do with the talents. He added the unhappiness was on his end, with creative and production, etc. Triple H admitted he will never be happy with the NXT product because he always wants it to be better and more than what it is.

You can listen to the full Triple H call in the audio player below: