WWE RAW Results (3/27): Undertaker Plays Mind Games With Reigns, Owens vs Zayn No DQ Match, Lesnar and Goldberg go Face to Face!

Backstage, Sami Zayn says that it’s been a tough week since Mick Foley was fired last week. The important thing is that we honor his memory while he is gone. Zayn says that he is going to win the André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal in honor of Foley. Stephanie McMahon interrupts. Stephanie says that Zayn doesn’t have the right to declare he is going to be in the match. He is going to have to earn his way into the match. Zayn has to win a no disqualification match against  Kevin Owens. If Zayn loses, he will be joining Foley in the unemployment line. Zayn will be fired.

Neville is out for commentary for the next match.

Austin Aries vs Noam Dar w/Alicia Fooooooooooooooox

As soon as the bell rings Aries explodes out of the corner and dropkicks Dar. Dar rolls to the outside in a heap. Aries gets on the top rope and yells at Neville, “That’s for you!” After a short break, Dar is stomping Aries in the corner. Dar locks in a neck vice. Dar sends Aries chest first into the turnbuckle. Aries whips Dar into the corner and hits a tilt-a-whirl facebuster. Aries lands his chest breaker/STO combo before connecting with the pendulum elbow. Aries picks up Dar in a fireman’s carry. Dar elbows his way out of it. Aries tosses Dar to the outside. Aries hit the heat seeking missile to the outside. Aries neck breakers Dar on the second rope. Fox distracts Aries, which allows Dar to roll up Aries. Aries kicks out. Dar hits the rope and runs right into an elbow to the face by Aries. Aries hit the ropes and obliterates Dar with the Discus Five Arm. Aries glares at Neville. Aries locks in the Last Chancery. Dar taps out immediately.

Winner- Austin Aries