Jim Ross
Photo Credit: AXS TV

Jim Ross Confirms Recent WWE Talks, DDP Yoga Hits WrestleMania Week, Bayley Gives Sasha Banks a Gift, Styles – Shane Road to ‘Mania (Videos)

Jim Ross Confirms Recent WWE Talks

While he would not reveal anything specific, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross did confirm recent talks with WWE at his “Ringside” one-man show in Orlando this afternoon. Ross added the talks with WWE began before his wife Jan passed away last month, and that Jan wanted to attend WrestleMania week to see JR walk out at the big event one more time.

Bayley Gives Sasha Banks a Gift

WWE has released the following video featuring Bayley getting Sasha Banks a gift for WrestleMania 33:

DDP Yoga Hits WrestleMania Week

WWE has also released the following footage of Hall of Famer DDP leading WrestleMania week fans in DDP Yoga:

Styles – Shane Road to WrestleMania

Below is Shane McMahon and AJ Styles’ road to WrestleMania 33 video:


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