WrestleMania 33 Results (4/2): The Hardys Return, New Champions Crowned, Whose Yard is it Now?

Triple H goes up top but Rollins gets up and tosses the chair at Triple H’s head. Rollins superplexes Triple H off the top. As soon as they hit the mat Rollins rolls through and hits a falcon arrow for a two count. Rollins goes back up top but Stephanie McMahon pulls him off the top rope. Triple H locks in the reverse figure four. Rollins reverses the hold and lock in a Gargano Lock. Triple H hits Rollins’ knee over and over again. Rollins has no choice but to let go of the hold. Rollins rolls to the outside. Triple H locks int he reverses figure four on the outside. Rollins digs under the ring and tosses a few chairs at Triple H. Rollins tosses a sledgehammer as well. Triple H lets Rollins go and picks up the sledgehammer. Rollins rolls into the ring and Triple H follows. Triple H hits a facebuster. Rollins hits a spin kick. Triple H bounces off the rope and destroys Rollins with a clothesline. Triple H grabs the sledgehammer, but Rollins catches him with a leaping enziguri. Rollins picks up the sledgehammer. Rollins is about to hit Triple H with it but Stephanie grabs it from Rollins. Triple H hits the Pedigree, but Rollins somehow kicks out.

Triple H pulls up Rollins for a top rope Pedigree, but Rollins back body drops Triple H off the top. Phoenix splash by Rollins. Triple H kicks out! Triple H tries another Pedigree, but Rollins reverses it and attempts a Pedigree of his own. Triple H chop blocks Rollins. Stephanie gets on the apron and grabs Rollins from behind. Triple H charges at Rollins, but Rollins moves out of the way. Triple H almost hits Stephanie, but Triple H stops himself. Rollins superkicks Triple H and Triple H stumbles into Stephanie. Stephanie falls off the apron through a table! Triple H turns around and Rollins Pedigrees Triple H for the win!

Winner- Seth Rollins


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