WWE 205 Live Results (4/4): Akira Tozawa vs Brian Kendrick, Neville Hosts Championship Celebration, 4-Way Contender’s Match

Rich Swann vs. Oney Lorcan

Lorcan lights up his opponent in the corner with rolling elbows. Swann dodges a third attempt but runs into a stiff lariat for a nearfall. Lorcan goes right into a body scissors and slows the pace of the match down. After a few minutes Swann breaks the hold and gets his boots up in the corner to buy some separation. He heads to the top rope but is caught from behind. They jockey for position up top, Lorcan trying for a huge half-and-half superplex, but Swann somehow lands on his feet and takes him out with a huge kick. He fires up but gets caught with a running Alabama Slam into the corner turnbuckle by Oney. He starts throwing Cesaro-like uppercuts but Swann catches him when he goes to the well too many times. He fires off with two short-arm clotheslines and a kick to the back of Lorcan’s neck. Swann with chops in the corner and a huge superkick, followed by a leaping headscissors from the top rope. He goes back up high rent, and comes down with the Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winner: Rich Swann