Eric Bischoff Releases Political Podcast On IRW, Exclusive Finn Balor UK DVD Being Released This Week

Eric Bischoff Releases Political Podcast On IRW

The latest episode of Bischoff on Wrestling was released yesterday afternoon. On top of our traditional wrestling show each week Eric and I have started releasing an extra half hour “Overrun” podcast over on the IRW Network.

This week Eric said he wanted to talk politics with me so we went at it for about half an hour. For the most part Eric and I sit on very different sides of the aisle politically. It’s a very “spirited” discussion if political podcasts are your thing.

It’s only available right now on and can be found HERE.

You can listen to the latest episode of Bischoff on Wrestling in the embedded audio player below:


Exclusive Finn Balor UK DVD Being Released This Week

A DVD featuring Finn Balor’s Iconic Matches is being released this week in the UK.