Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results From 4/21: Title Change, GFW Titles Defended, Big Debut and More *Spoilers*

Impact Wrestling taped segments for two episodes of television this Friday at the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL as the company continues to build towards their annual Slammiversary event on July 2nd. It’s not yet clear exactly when these episodes will air, and segments may be moved around going forward; we’ll update this page as more information becomes available.

Xplosion: KM def. Jake Holmes

Xplosion: Andrew Everett def. Chris Silvio

– Josh Matthews kicks off the show with some HR representatives and informs Jeremy Borash that he has been suspended, as the company won’t tolerate bullying from their commentators. Matthews has returned to the commentary team…

Matt Sydal def. Trevor Lee

Sienna def. Christina Von Eerie (c) to become the GFW Women’s Champion

Ethan Carter III def. Josh Bolin. Basic squash match. EC3 cut a promo about becoming the three-time World Heavyweight Championship at Slammiversary.

Magnus (c) def. Matt Morgan to retain the GFW World Heavyweight Championship

Kongo Kong def. William Waits. Another basic squash match. Braxton Sutter and Allie came out after the match was over and ran off Kong and Luarel Van Ness.

Laredo Kid & Garza Jr. def. Idris Abraham & Hakim Zane

Sienna (c) def. ODB to retain the GFW Women’s Championship

Matt Sydal def. Eddie Edwards. Davey Richards came out with Angelina Love and the two attacked Edwards and his wife Alicia after the match.

Moose (c) def. Marshe Rockett to retain the Impact Grand Championship. Moose actually won by pinfall in the second round. Chris Adonis, Tyrus and Eli Drake all came out and beat down Moose.

– Ethan Carter III came out to James Storm’s music, dressed up like a cowboy, and performed a tribute to Storm. Out came the Cowboy and the two brawled around. Storm beat him up with a belt, but EC3 took the belt and whipped him with it over and over again until officials came out to break them up.

Alberto el Patron def. Eli Drake