Tommy Dreamer on The Hardys Returning to WWE, How WWE Should Book The Undertaker’s Last Match, Memories of Matt Anoa’i

ECW Original Tommy Dreamer recently spoke with Wrestledelphia and below are some interview highlights:

Were you surprised to see the Hardy Boyz return to WWE?

“Not really. I’m happy for them. It’s the nature of the beast. I hope they’re able to be their reinvented characters as opposed to a retro act of the Hardy Boyz. But Matt and Jeff are super-duper talented and they’ve gotten even more popular with their whole deletion character than they were in WWE.”

Were you surprised that Undertaker has apparently wrestled his final match?

“I was shocked. I love the Undertaker both professionally and personally. When I left WWE’s ECW, I took off my shirt and laid it in the ring. I knew that ECW wasn’t coming back. People still ask when did I retire from WWE. Well, I didn’t retire, I just retired from that chapter in my life. From a business standpoint, if I was Vince McMahon, I would build the next WrestleMania as Undertaker’s last match and then have him retire.”

Read Also: Backstage News on The Hardys Wrestling At House of Hardcore, How the Deal Finally Came Together

We all learned the sad news that Rosey passed away. You posted a touching tweet and I wanted to get some memories from you.

“I have a million memories of him. I’ve known him since the original ECW. I knew him as 3 Minute Warning and all these different incarnations of Matt. It sucks because he’s a father and he loves his kids so much. He’s a great, great human being. I don’t mourn death – I celebrate life. I got real sad when I read about it because he’s my friend. I had so many matches with him and now I look at it as him and Umaga reunited again. It’s just sad when you lose someone that young as well. He’s a year older than me so I was just like, whoa. We’re never guaranteed tomorrow. You go to bed and you don’t wake up sometimes. It’s horrible.”

“Yes, cry, be upset, but some people stop living because of it, and you can’t. If those people were still with us, they would be mad at you and want you to keep on living. Now with WWE Network or Youtube, sit back and watch one of his matches. To me, it’s one of the greatest tributes. Think back to a happy time when you saw him go out there. I mean, so many images flashed back when I heard. I can picture his big ol’ butt throwing a leg drop on me and I’m just sitting there like, oh god, I hope he doesn’t kill me. Us just laughing and being together, I seriously can’t stress enough what a great human being he is.”


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