WWE 205 Live Results (6/6): Neville Defends Cruiserweight Title Against TJ Perkins, Noam Dar vs Cedric Alexander & More


Ali has it in control with ease to start, and took a little too much time toying with the no-name newcomer. Valle caught him with a cheap shot, lighting him up in the corner with a barrage of closed right hands. Ali fights back and throws a few right hooks of his own, and they go back and forth. Valle comes up empty in the corner, and Ali catches him with a big kick, followed by the roll-through neckbreaker. Ali went up to the top rope looking for a 450 splash, but Drew Gulak came out with his megaphone and “No Fly Zone” poster to distract him. Valle tried for a roll-up from behind but Ali countered it and picked up the pin with a schoolboy.

Winner: Mustafa Ali

Gulak congratulated Ali on his victory, especially because he stayed grounded and still managed to pick up the win. He says that they can change the face of 205 Live together, and asks Ali if he wants to join his campaign for a better 205 Live. Ali launches himself over the top rope to take out Gulak out of nowhere… I guess there’s his answer.

Backstage, the Titus Brand has come to Tuesday nights! Titus O’Neil is here to ask Akira Tozawa if he wanted to join the Titus Brand. He says that Apollo Crews told him to come here and extend an offer, and says he sees star power and charisma in him. Titus tells him to think it over, talk to Crews, and give him a call.