WWE Money in the Bank Results: Who Won the 2017 Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match?


WWE Money in the Bank Results
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Baron Corbin vs. AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Dolph Ziggler

Corbin attack Nakamura during his entrance, which clearly means Nakamura is probably going to win this match (just saying…). Corbin yells to ring the bell as Nakamura is out on the ramp. Owens beats down Corbin as Zayn tosses Ziggler to the outside. Everyone is fighting everyone at this point. Zayn hits Owens with a ladder on the outside. Nakamura is being helped to the back by the referees (ok, maybe I was wrong?). Zayn hits a dive to the outside. Corbin grabs a ladder from the outside. Ziggler and Corbin hit Styles with the ladder. Corbin decks Ziggler. Corbin hits Styles with the ladder again. Ziggler superkicks Corbin. Zayn clotheslines Owens. Styles pushes a ladder into Ziggler. Ziggler runs up the ladder and clips Styles knee before he can hit his forearm.

Ziggler celebrates but turns around and walks right into the deep six by Corbin. Back in the ring Owens superkick Styles. Owens hits Zayn and Styles with a ladder. Owens then hits Corbin and Ziggler with the same ladder. Owens tries to hit Styles again but Styles drop toe holds him into the ladder. Styles tries to set up the Styles Clash but Owens back body drops Styles over the top rope. Owens starts to set up a ladder but Zayn cuts him off. Owens climbs up top but Zayn slams him off the top onto a ladder! Zayn sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring. Ziggler attacks him from behind. Ziggler throws Zayn spine first into the ladder. Ziggler and Zayn fight over the ladder. Ziggler dropkicks Zayn. Ziggler calls for the superkick. Zayn counters it into the blue thunder bomb.

Styles forearms Corbin before setting up the ladder. Corbin cuts him off. Corbin and Styles battle on the top of the ladder. Ziggler climbs over Corbin to knock over Styles. Corbin pulls Ziggler off the ladder. Ziggler hits a zig-zag off the ladder on Corbin! Ziggler climb but Styles grabs him Zayn follows. All three men battle on the ladder. Styles falls off. Ziggler grabs the case but Zayn pounds on him. Zayn hits a sunset flip power bomb off the top of the ladder on Ziggler! Ziggler rolls to the outside, writhing in pain!  Owens pulls Zayn out of the ring. Zayn and Owens fight on the apron. Zayn half nelson suplexes Owens on the apron! Zayn climbs the ladder. Styles hits the phenomenal forearm, knocking Zayn off the ladder. Corbin pulls Styles out of the ring. Corbin slams Styles head first into the desk.

Corbin sets up a ladder between the steps and the barricade. Corbin chokeslams Styles on the ladder! Corbin gets in the ring and eats the helluva kick by Zayn! Zayn climbs the ladder but Owens pulls him off. Owens kicks Zayn in the nuts. Owens almost gets the case but Styles pulls him off the ladder. Styles and Owens battle out to the apron. Owens sets up a powerbomb but Styles counters and hits a DVD off the apron onto a ladder! Owens is done. Styles climbs back into the ring and climbs the ladder. Ziggler cuts him off. Ziggler moves the ladder. Styles is caught hanging from the case! Styles falls off and lands hard in the middle of the ring. Ziggler smiles in glee. Corbin takes out Ziggler. Corbin starts to climb but Nakamura’s music hits. Nakamura hits the ring. Corbin tosses a ladder at Nakamura. Nakamura ducks and runs into the ring. Nakamura hits his combo. Ziggler tries to attack Nakamura from behind. Nakamura hits Ziggler with a Kinshasa off the top and a basement Kinshasa.

Zayn runs into the ring and gets hit with a reverse exploder, by Nakamura. Nakamura Kinshasa Zayn. Nakamura rolls out of the ring to grab a ladder. Owens holds onto the ladder. Nakamura Kinshasa Owens. Nakamura sets up the ladder and starts to climb. Styles gets in the ring and grabs the other side of the ladder. Nakamura and Styles move the ladder out of the way and square off. After a strike exchange Nakamura exploders Styles. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa but Styles catches Nakamura with a flying forearm. Styles sets up the ladder once again. Styles starts to climb. Nakamura climbs the other side. Styles and Nakamura battle on top of the ladder. Corbin knocks Styles and Nakamura off the ladder. Corbin climbs the ladder and pulls down the case for the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin


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