WWE 205 Live Results (6/20): Rich Swann Get Neville in a Non-Title Match, Austin Aries Finds Himself an Ally, Gallagher vs Nese

Noam Darr is backstage, once again with his girlfriend Alicia Fox on FaceTime. Somehow she’s even more annoying via mobile device than she is in person with these sketches. Cedric Alexander shows up and says he’s sick and tired of having to tell the couple that he’s done with them every week, but they won’t stay out of his business. Fox is ranting and raving over speaker phone and Darr tells him to quit 205 Live and never come back, then makes some joke about Cedric having to fish his bags out of the river… Alexander is confused, and walks off screen, then comes back with his bag and asks Darr if that’s the one he threw into the river. He walks off and leaves Darr arguing with Alicia Fox about mixing up their bags, when Ariya Daivari walks in looking for his $15,000 bag that was given to him by his father.

Drew Gulak vs. Mustafa Ali

Before the match begins Gulak attempts to convince Ali to join his “No Fly Zone” and add a stipulation to the match where they can’t do high flying maneuvers. Ali flies over the ropes with a corkscrew splash to take him out, so I guess that’s the answer to that question. He goes back up to the top rope looking for another dive, but gets caught and Gulak throws him hard to the floor. Drew slows things down with holds and power moves, keeping things grounded, for the bulk of the short match. Gulak catches him trying to dive again, but Ali rolls him up out of nowhere with an inside cradle to steal the win. // Winner: Mustafa Ali