WWE 205 Live Results (7/18): Drew Gulak & Mustafa Ali End Their Rivalry in 3-Fall Match, Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari, More

Gulak refused to break the hold and kept his sleeper locked in until the referee reached a count of four, but the damage had already been done. The ref backed them off and signaled for the third round to commence, and Gulak immediately went on the offense with kicks and punches in the corner. Ali tried for another rollup but got stomped in the head, and they went back to the side headlock once again slowing things down. Mustafa rolled out of the way to give himself some space, jumping to the ropes but again Gulak caught him with a huge powerbomb for a close nearfall. Both men slowly made their way up and Ali came out of nowhere with a Reverse Rana. Drew rolled to the floor trying to catch his breath but turned around into a 450 splash off the top rope, sending both crashing into the ground.

Ali rolled him back into the ring and went up top, but Gulak rolled through a crossbody for two with a handful of tights. Beyond pissed off now, Drew picked him up and whipped him into the bottom turnbuckle with a snap vertical suplex! Somehow Ali got his shoulder up before three, rallied back and busted out a springboard DDT, but Gulak got his shoulder up as well. Both guys are basically dead at this point. They traded pin attempts back and forth until Gulak exploded out of the corner with a lariat. Without anything left in the tank, Drew looked at the ropes and began to slowly climb to the top. He looked around as the crowd chanted “NO!” and he looked conflicted, until Ali met him with a hurricanrana off the top! Ali back up, and he hits the Inverted 450! 1…2….3

Fall #3: Mustafa Ali
Winner: Mustafa Ali


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