Konnan On If WWE Is Interested in Signing Rey Mysterio, If Mysterio Has Had Talks with GFW, Is the AAA – Johnny Mundo/Taya Issue Legit?

rey mysterio
Photo Credit: El Rey Network

Global Force Wrestling manager and Keepin’ It 100 Host Konnan joined The Sheet Podcast this week to discuss Rey Mysterio talking with WWE and GFW, the Taya Valkyrie/Johnny Mundo situation with AAA and O.J. Simpson being granted parole. Below are some interview highlights.

On the situation between AAA and Johnny Mundo/Taya Valkyrie being legit:

“Well his fiancée was dissed, of course he’s going to stand up for her. If you read one of the tweets, to put everything into the proper context, if you remember one of the tweets said something about ‘Taya is a mark for hard work. You’re a mark for yourself.’ Do you remember that? You know why that was written? Because Vamp (Vampiro) called her a mark. He did the same thing … I don’t want to put nobody else under the bus because you know me, I don’t care, I’ll speak it how it is, but certain wrestlers came to me at our Crash show last Friday and one of them told me that he told them the same thing; that he wasn’t a big deal, he was mark for himself. And the guy told him, ‘Well then why don’t you get rid of me?’”

“He’s (Vampiro) going around calling people marks but he’s a guy that brought in (Kevin Cross). Guy’s got a great look, great future. He brought him in and he’s been steamrolling over everybody. And who is he setting him up for? It looks like Vampiro. Vampiro’s gone face-to-face with this killer monster like two shows in a row. So he’s the mark. Why are you calling Taya a mark? Why are you bullshitting people, why are you lying to people and why are you backpedalling? And let me tell you one thing, me and him have had a contentious relationship as everybody knows. Me and him, there was a point where I did hate Vampiro. But I don’t hold grudges anymore. Because really, at the end of the day that’s almost like dragging negative energy. The problem is Vampiro lied to them and they’re both pissed off.”

On if Rey Mysterio has had talks with WWE and GFW:

“We’ve had discussion with them, but it’s more with GFW. We’re still just talking with them at this juncture. There’s nothing set in stone.”

On if WWE is interested in bring Rey Mysterio back:

“Definitely. One hundred percent.”

On how the country will react to O.J. Simpson being a free man again:

“Americans are tired of so many guys smiling and bullsh*tting us and being fake … and they’re like, ‘this guy is a criminal but at least he’s real about it.’ And I know that sounds jaded and weird, but it is what it is.”

On a possible O.J. Simpson reality show:

“There’s that whole tie in [with the Kardashian family]. How awesome would it be if he started dating Caitlyn [Jenner]?

The full episode is available on iTunes, Stitcher and ProWrestlingSheet.com.


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