Justin LaBar Comments On Reigns & Cena’s Twitter Tension; Says It’s ‘Inevitable’ They Will Face Off Soon

WrestleZone proudly presented the latest episode of our signature daily pro wrestling news podcast, WZ Daily, earlier today on Eric Bischoff’s IRWNetwork.com!


Today’s show featured WrestleZone & Chair Shot Reality’s Justin LaBar as the co-host for the pro wrestling news segment.

You can find some of Justin’s comments transcribed below.

Al Snow On Which Is A More Ridiculous Gimmick Match: The Punjabi Prison or The Kennel From Hell?

On the recent shade that Roman Reigns and John Cena threw at each other on Twitter:

JL: I think Roman Reigns and John Cena know that it is inevitable that they are going to work together. You could say that, “The main event for next year’s WrestleMania is written in pencil and it’s John Cena vs Roman Reigns.” Maybe they shift it. Maybe Undertaker all of a sudden is not done so they bump Roman Reigns vs John Cena to the Royal Rumble. That’s a big event. I think there is some wiggle room for where it happens depending on other moving parts. Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman… who gets hurt? Who doesn’t get hurt? A bunch of different things. I think Roman Reigns and John Cena know very acutely that they are on a collision course to work together so it doesn’t hurt to get us talking like this by having some “Twitter tension”.

The WZ Daily is released Monday-Friday around Noon EST on Eric Bischoff’s IRWNetwork.com!

Related: Full WZ-IRW Network July Co-Host Schedule

Today’s episode of WZ Daily is hosted by Nick Hausman and features Chair Shot Reality’s Justin LaBar as his co-host.

The pro wrestling news topics from the last twenty-four hours that Nick & Justin discuss include:

  • The SummerSlam RAW main event officially being announced
  • Roman Reigns and John Cena teasing heat on Twitter
  • Kevin Owens‘ United States Championship win reportedly being decided shortly before or during the match
  • Johnny Mundo being advertised for an upcoming Impact Wrestling live event
  • The Rock partnering with Apple for new mini-film

Today’s episode also features an exclusive interview with former WWE Superstar Al Snow. During the interview Al discusses:

  • His new Collar x Elbow athletic clothing brand
  • What inspired him to jump into the already competitive and crowded pro wrestling apparel market
  • Donating a portion of CxE’s proceeds to the Cauliflower Alley Club
  • The strange food he used to eat while training because he didn’t have any money
  • How a pro wrestler measures their value
  • Which is the worse gimmick match: The Kennel From Hell or The Punjabi Prison?
  • Comparisons he draws between NJPW and the old Florida Championship Wrestling territory
  • His recent tweet about how fan’s should try to be experts getting him heat
  • What led to his recent Impact Wrestling departure
  • More…


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