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More Details on Enzo Amore Having Backstage Heat in WWE, Was Big Cass Shooting in a Recent Raw Promo?

As we noted last week, Enzo Amore currently has a lot of backstage heat on him in WWE, stemming from several factors including his backstage behavior and more.

Most recently, we noted that Amore was kicked off a WWE tour bus when he was overheard on the phone speaking negatively about the pro wrestling business while openly bragging about how much money he is making.

The topic of Amore’s backstage heat was even brought up on the most recent edition of WWE’s “Bring it to the Table”, with host JBL feeling “the odds are completely against Enzo” making it in the WWE due to his heat with others in the company. Show co-host Corey Graves added that he does not like Amore personally, but feels he’s a good hand in WWE as the fans like him, and he might be a better fit on WWE 205 Live or back in NXT.

According to Sports Illustrated’s Justin Barrasso, another factor which has lead to Amore gaining heat backstage is his decision to bring “a series of questionable guests” backstage to WWE events. The guests were said to have broken “backstage etiquette” on a number of occasions, including taking photos and videos of talents backstage, which is greatly frowned upon, and something people in WWE feel Enzo should “know better” than to allow happen.

Read Also: Backstage News On Enzo’s WWE Heat & Possible NXT Return

Additionally, Enzo is said to be considering a venture into the music business, which the report notes “creates another conflict with WWE and could even land him on the list of future-endeavored talent.”

Barrasso furthered that Enzo’s former tag team partner, Big Cass, would often times stand up for Enzo backstage in WWE, however the promo Cass recently cut on Raw, during which he expressed frustration with having Enzo’s back, was based largely in part on how people in WWE perceive Enzo.


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