GFW Impact TV Taping Results For Early October *Spoilers*

Thanks to WZ reader Edward Ritlop for sending in the following GFW Impact TV tapings from tonight, which will likely air on 9/28 or 10/5 after the Victory Road edition of GFW Impact.

Before the Tapings started, an employee was trying to hand me a “Marry Me Laurel” sign. Apparently she’s trying to find that special man still. (Buyer Beware!)


1. The Impact Grand Champion: EC3 vs Moose in a regular non-title match. Very rare & surprising to see them for an Xplosion match. Funny spot on the outside when EC3 was against one of the ring posts & Moose missed a chop, & right after Moose was by one of the ring post & EC3 missed with a chop. EC3 steals the win with a roll up & a holding the tights.

2. “The Cowboy” James Storm vs Caleb Konley. Andrew Everett is out with Caleb. Storm wins with The Last Call.

For Impact: THE GFW GLOBAL CHAMPION-ELI DRAKE-is out with Chris Adonis; both were suit pants, suit jackets, & shirts with no ties. Eli was bragging about his win at Victory Road over Johnny Impact. Eli said Johnny wasn’t here tonight & may not ever be back again. Eli calls out Jim Cornette & said he’s making him go to Mexico & Japan, but no one’ s taking the title off of him. He says he’s had the night off & is looking for a woman between the ages of 18-30 with some DD’s to meet up later-YEAH. Eli says Adonis isn’t off though & has an opponent for him-Hector Garza, Jr.

1. Garza Jr. vs Chris Adonis. Adonis most of the match, until Johnny Impact comes out to attack Adonis for the DQ. Johnny accidentally hits Garza Jr. & officials have to come down to break things up. Jim Cornette appears & tells Johnny & Hector to save it for next week when the winner of their match will face Eli Drake at BFG for the GFW Global Championship.

Taryn Terrell is out & asks why we cheer for that loser Gail Kim, & why Robert Irvine-who Taryn calls “Bobbie.” Gail goes to the ring & just wants to talk, but of course it leads to a brawl with Taryn eventually getting out of the ring.

2. Rosemary vs Hannah Harper. This was Hannah’s debut & she lost a quick match in under 3 minutes after Rosemary gave her a Red Wedding. Rosemary gets the mic after & implores Taya Valkyrie to come down & “Dance With The Demon.” Taya comes to ring & makes quick work of Rosemary with her finisher. This was just a fight, not a match.

LAX (Santana, Ortiz, Diamente, & Konnan-still no Homicide). Konnan announces that LAX will revoke their rematch clause for the GFW TAG TEAM TITLES. OVE gets in the ring & say name their match. Konnan says a 51-50 street fight. OVE doesn’t even know what that is, but they agree. Diamanté gets  a mic & says a 51-50 match means OVE will be facing all of LAX. This may be the first promo she’s done. LAX & OVE fight with LAX standing tall.

3. A non-title match with the X Division Champ, Trevor Lee vs Suicide.  Lee wins with a roll up. A short, uneventful match.

4. Johnny Impact vs Garza in a #1 contenders match for the Global Championship at BFG.  These two worked well together with lots of lucha libre spots. Garza looked solid in the ring-he a has future star look to him: good aggression & connects well with the crowd. Late in the match, Garza applies a Boston Crab, the two exchange pin attempts before Impact wins with a Sunset Flip. The two men raise each other’s hands after. Really, really great showing by both men. Cornette goes to the ring to congratulate Johnny, but Chris Adonis sneaks into the ring & hits Johnny in the back with a large piece of plywood in the back. Johnny refuses help to the back at first, but officials eventually help him walk to the back.

5. Andrew Everett w/Trevor lee & Caleb Konley vs Dezmond Xavier. Lots of interference, but Xavier wins after 2 hand springs into a Pele Kick.

JB is in the ring & was about to announce the latest member of the hall of fame but America’s Top Team comes in the ring & pushes JB out. They want King Mo & Lashley to fight Moose & Shane Sewell at BFG. Moose & Sewell then come out but Lashley attack them from behind & is rolled into the ring where America’s Top Team & Bobby beat them up. Trevor Lee, Konley, & Everett come in to try & help but they’re easily disposed of. Bobby hits two spears on Moose & he & his team pose in the ring.

7. Chris Adonis VS Johnny Impact. Adonis attacks before the bell, but Johnny wins with a 450 leg drop off top. Elian comes down to try a sneak attack in his dress shirt & pants. Johnny pulls Eli’s belt off & hits him with it until Adonis turns the tables. Garza Jr. makes the save when he chases the heels away with a steel chair. This ends the show.


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