Best WWE Superstars of the 90's
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The Fake Razor Ramon Talks If Shawn Michaels Approved Of Him Playing The Role

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Photo Credit: Getty Images

Rick Titan who played the famous fake Razor Ramon joined The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast. He spoke on a number of topics including Shawn Michaels’ reaction to him portraying the character his good friend Scott Hall created.

“It was really interesting because I thought he would just treat me like a bag of crap when I went in there and I had heard rumors of him having a bit of an attitude and being a problem. I know Bret and him had some heat and I was friends with Bret and I thought that this guy is going to be a real jerk.”

“The way I threw a punch was very ridged and power based and Scott Hall was very loose and floppy and relaxed and it is a big difference in physicality and if anyone can take some really credit for having taught me how to do a couple of things, I would say it was him. He was so polite about it and I was shocked. The blood about drained out of my face and I couldn’t believe it because he was one of my idols too when I was watching before I broke in.”

“To me that was almost one of the peaks of my career I’d have to say because I have so much respect for him. He had done it so gentlemanly and it was just really cool. We never had any heat and we never had any problems and I don’t know that maybe he did think less of me because of the whole takeover thing but I actually think he had some compassion where thought that I’ve been in lousy spots before in my career and this poor guy is trying to make it. I think he was pretty good hearted about it.”

Titan also recalled working with Glen Jacobs who was the fake Diesel who would go on to be Kane:

“He’s a hard worker. We got along fairly well and I probably had done some things like in Canada at the time they didn’t have a lot of size 13 shoes and suits that would fit a guy my size and fit quite nicely so one time I asked him to stop at this clothing store and we were trying to get to the arena as well so we were in a bit of a time crunch and I spent probably close to an hour or more buying the clothes because I was so excited to find stuff that fit but man was he pissed when I got out. He wouldn’t talk to me for the next day or so because I had disrespected his time. Back then if you look at him he’s got that big furrowed eye brow and he’s got the big huge jaw and he’s 320 pounds of pure muscle and I’m quite sure he knew how to really fight which I can’t say for all the guys who had been through WWE. They are good at having a match but if you got in a real fight with him it would probably be over in a couple of seconds.”

“He was a consummate professional.  I always had a little bit of trouble memorizing high spots and for some reason my brain doesn’t work all that well in that way and to be able to do 15-20 moves in a row and especially in a tag team with more than two guys in the ring I’d mess things up once in a while but Glenn was a perfectionist. He was like a mathematician when it came to that. He always wanted it done perfect. He was a good guy and we got a long quite well for the most part I think and it is one of those thing as to why I am a coach and why I do public speaking, I kind of like to be transparent and I like other people to be transparent with me and he didn’t like to open up a lot so a lot of times it was tense for me.”

You can hear the full podcast by clicking here.