WWE Smackdown Results (9/19): Shane McMahon Returns to Confront Kevin Owens, Rusev Crushes Orton, Women’s 4-Way Main Event

In-Ring Segment

The Singh brothers introduce us to WWE Champion Jinder Mahal, who makes his full grand entrance with an elaborate carpet set up in the ring. The crowd boos him and he takes a second to not get a damn. The champion says that he knows the crowd wasn’t happy with what he had to say about Shinsuke Nakamura last week, before putting up more strange photos of him on the tron. The Singh brothers are rolling around on the carpet, clutching their sides in laughter. You could hear a cricket in that arena, nobody is even booing anymore. Jinder continued to sling racist insults at Nakamura, making fun of his inability to pronounce letters, his hair and his nationality. The crowd actually started chanting “that’s too far” at him, so the champion cut a promo in Punjabi and left.

WWE United States Championship Match

AJ Styles (c) vs. Baron Corbin

The Phenomenal One came out before the match and cut a promo about Kevin Owens getting his ass kicked inside Hell in a Cell, before calling Baron Corbin a product of shortcuts. The Lone Wolf came out and attacked AJ from behind before the bell and went to work. Tye Dillinger ran out to get a little revenge for last week, and Corbin went down hard on the ground clutching his ankle. He tried to beg off as officials forced Dillinger to the back, but Styles threw him back in the ring and applied the Calf Killer! Corbin tapped out, screaming and flailing in pain, but the match never started so there’s no reason for AJ to break the hold. Finally he does and the champion stands tall.

Backstage Segment

Baron Corbin is seen limping in the backstage area. Renee tries to ask him a few questions and he screams “WHAT!?” at her. Corbin rants that he was seconds from winning the U.S. title but was attacked by the “perfect zero” and now he’s sprained his ankle. He claims that he won’t bitch and moan, because he’s getting even instead.