wwe no mercy

WWE No Mercy Results (9/24) Brock Lesnar Defends Against Braun Strowman, New Champions Crowned, And More!

Main Card: 

Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz (c) w/Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel vs Jason Jordan

Miz and Jordan lock up. Jordan grabs a side headlock. Miz sends Jordan into the rope but Jordan floors him with a shoulder block. After a tackle/dropdown spot, Jordan takes Miz over with a fireman’s carry. Miz tries to slide through Jordan’s legs, but Jordan cuts him off and lifts Miz off the mat into a delay vertical suplex. Miz kicks out at two. Northern lights suplex for another near fall by Jordan. Miz falls to the outside. Jordan sends Miz back into the ring. After a distraction by Dallas and Axel, Miz catches Jordan with a baseball slide. Miz sends Jordan into the barricade. Miz rolls Jordan back into the ring and gets a two count.Miz locks in a cravat. Jordan fights out of it. Miz kicks Jordan in the gut and hits a DDT for another two count. Miz looks shocked. It will take more than that to keep Jordan down. Miz trips Jordan to the outside. Jordan sends Miz into the barricade. Jordan hits a clothesline off the top.

Miz kicks out yet again. Miz manages to hit the “It” kicks. Jordan catches Miz’s last kick and launches Miz across the ring with a capture Tazplex. Multiple clotheslines followed by a Saito Suplex by Jordan. Jordan tries a suplex but Miz reverses and almost hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Jordan counters and hits the rolling northern lights for a long two count. Miz rolls to the outside. Miz confers with Dallas and Axel. Jordan baseball slides Miz into Dallas and Axel. Jordan belly-to-belly suplexes Dallas into Axel and Miz. Jordan sends Miz back into the ring. Miz charges in and gets put in the crossface. Miz gets to the ropes. Jordan misses a spear in the corner. Dallas gets on the top rope but Jordan slams him down tot he mat. The referee admonishes Dallas. Jordan rolls up Miz but there is no referee to count. Miz sends Jordan into Axel. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

After the match, Renee Young asks Jordan how he is feeling. Jordan says he doesn’t respect Miz. Jordan wants a rematch. Jordan adds that when Kurt Angle comes to the ring the fans lovingly chant you suck. The Miz actually sucks.


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