wwe hell in a cell

WWE Hell in a Cell Results (10/8) New Champions Crowned, Shane McMahon And Kevin Owens Take Each Other To Hell!

Big E. Pins Jimmy’s head up against the ring steps. Woods goes up top, presumably to kill Jimmy. Jey gets free and pulls Jimmy away. Woods jumps down to the apron. Jey tries to sweep Woods buy Woods does a cartwheel off the apron. Woods turns around and gets superkicked. Jimmy enziguris Big E. off the apron. Jey catches Big E. on his shoulders. Jimmy spears Big E. into the cage! Everyone is down!  Each Uso hits a splash off the top. Big E. somehow kicks out! The Usos handcuff Big E. to the bottom rope. Jey handcuffs Woods on the outside. The Usos hang Woods from the ring post. Jey grabs a kendo stick and beats Woods with it like he stole something.

Woods kicks Jey in the face. Jimmy picks up a kendo stick. Jey and Jimmy destroy Woods with the kendo sticks. Jey drops Woods from the ring post. Big E. back body drops Jimmy over the top rope. Big E. picks up Jey and drives him into the cage. Big E. picks up Jey again and drives him into Jimmy and the cage. Big E. hits the BigEndingg. Jey kicks out. Big E. puts Jey in the stretch muffler. Jimmy superkicks Big E. The Usos hit dual splashes on Big E. A handcuffed Woods breaks up the pin. The Usos take turns beating Woods with the kendo stick. Woods fires up and headbutts both Jimmy and Jey. Jimmy and Jey take control after a few more kendo stick shots. Jimmy lays a chair on top of Woods. The Usos hit the double Use for the win!

Winners and NEW Smackdown Tag Team Champions, The Usos!