WWE Smackdown Live Results (10/24): Shane Addresses #UnderSiege, SD Live Survivor Series Teams Take Shape, Zayn & Orton Battle For Spot, More

Daniel Bryan backstage. Jinder Mahal comes in. Bryan guesses that Mahal wants revenge, which is correct. Mahal says that Styles will face the other Singh Brother.


Naomi vs Tamina vs Becky Lynch vs Carmella vs Charlotte Flair

Tamina takes out Lynch and Naomi with a suplex, Charlotte Flair with a superkick, and also Carmella. Lynch and Flair dropkick Tamina. Then as the two sip tea, Flair chops Lynch. Lynch reciprocates. Then Carmella comes off the top rope with the crossbody on both Lynch and Flair. Carmella goes for the pin on Lynch. Two Count. Carmella tries to bring Naomi in the ring, but Naomi connects on a kick. Sunset flip pin. Two Count. Naomi continues to throw Carmella in the corner. Throws Carmella to the ground and connects on a flying clothesline. Naomi throws Carmella into the ropes which knocks out Lynch on the apron. Naomi assaults Carmella with lethal kicks. Carmella fights back, counters Naomi and takes her down from behind by pulling her hair. Two count. Naomi gets up and repeatedly kicks Carmella. Carmella is dragged to the outside of the ring by Tamina. Carmella then applies a sleeper hold on Tamina. Charlotte takes out Tamina and Carmella. Flair with a fallaway slam on Tamina. Lynch then attacks Flair by jumping off the apron. Naomi takes out Lynch jumping over the top rope. Charlotte goes after Tamina, but is hit in the back by Lana. Flair goes after Lana but is then superkicked by Tamina. Tamina throws Flair over the barricade. Lynch attacks Tamina from behind, but it is not successful. Tamina throws Lynch into the ring, but then Naomi takes Tamina out with a kick. Naomi roll up pin on Lynch, Lynch reverses for a roll up pin. Carmella breaks it up and throws Naomi into the the ring post. Carmella kicks Lynch in the jaw. Pin, two count. Another pin, two count. Carmella is frustrated and as she is about to go after Lynch, Lynch applies the DisArmer on Carmella. Carmella taps out.

Winner and Smackdown Live Women’s Captain: Becky Lynch