Sean Combs

Puff Daddy Says ‘Brother Love’ Name Change Was A Joke, WWE’s Birth Of The Dragon Coming To DVD (Video)

Birth Of The Dragon

The above video is a new sneak peek at the WWE Studios’ film Birth Of The Dragon, which hits stores on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 21st.

Still Diddy

Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs is no longer calling himself Brother Love, and posted an explanation for the recent name swap in an Instagram post.

Related: Bruce Prichard Responds To Puff Daddy’s New ‘Brother Love’ Name Change (Video), Updated Lineup For Wrestle Kingdom 12

Puffy said he was posting the video due to the response from fans and media, and said he was only joking, and this was just an ‘alter ago’ he wanted to adopt. He added that people could still address him by any of his nicknames (Puffy, Puff Daddy, Diddy, P. Diddy, etc.) and included ‘Love’ because he’s all about the love.

Puffy’s name change drew a ton of mainstream attention, and wrestling fans were sure to let him know there’s only one Brother Love, Bruce Prichard. Combs’ latest post is below:

I see you can’t play with the internet be calm. Spread LOVE.

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