WWE RAW Results (11/27) Reigns Defends Against Elias, Strowman Returns, And More!

Backstage, Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa, and Mustafa Ali complain about the Zo Train getting in their way. Angle says they are going to have two fatal four-way matched. One tonight and one next week. The winners of those two matches with face off. Whoever comes out on top will be the number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship.

Samoa Joe vs Titus O’Neil w/Apollo Crews

O’Neil is all over Joe. Joe almost locks in the Coquina Clutch but O’Neil avoids it. Joe drives O’Neil  into the corner. Back elbow followed by a falling enziguri by Joe. Joe and O’Neil  trade chops. Joe chops O’Neil in the throat. O’Neil forces Joe into the corner. O’Neil slaps the taste out of Joe. O’Neil is laying in hard rights and lefts. Joe lands a straight right hand that staggers O’Neil. Joe puts O’Neil in the Coquina Clutch. O’Neil is done.

Winner- Samoa Joe

After the match, Joe hovers over O’Neil. Crews gets in the ring and tries to protect O’Neil. Crews misses an enziguri. Joe puts Crews to sleep with the Coquina Clutch.
