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WZ Forum Files #9: Will The Miz Ever Be World Champion Again?

From enviousdominous:

Miz has always been a twinkle in Vince’s eye, so I think that Miz will be a world champion again in the near future.

I honestly think that Miz endeared himself to the WWE’s top brass by constantly showing up. Miz came into the WWE as a reality TV star, who wasn’t shy about admitting that he was there to enhance his TV star status. This notably earned the wrath of JBL, and to some extent Chris Benoit. He was publicly chastised, banned from changing in the locker room, and patronizingly treated like a special education student. Most other people wouldn’t have had the stones to keep showing up.

I honestly think that it’s The Miz’ time. He’s a cocky, brash, temperamental narcissist who wears his shameless fashion sense like a badge of honor. He reminds me of Gino Hernandez or Tully Blanchard. When he needs a win, or if his feud is personal, he’ll ramp up the intensity and punish his opponent for taking him lightly. I can’t remember there being a potentially great heel champion of his caliber since Kevin Owens.

Am I excited to see The Miz as a world champion? Sort-of. My lack of enthusiasm at the mere idea of it is due to how often the WWE seems to have been phoning-in their creative work. You don’t do justice to a great heel champion by just having them win the title. It would be neat if Miz’ stable distracted his opponent and Miz won that way, it would be fucking phenomenal if Miz was allowed to exploit some kind of match gimmick, rule loophole, or psychological manipulation to get an insurmountable advantage over his opponent.

From Dagger Dias:

Now that we are once again in a structure within the WWE where there are two World Championships, I could see The Miz becoming a World Champion again…. And this is coming from someone who despised his World Championship reign from 7 years ago. I have never been a big fan of the guy. He’s VERY good on the mic but have always felt he lacks in-ring skills. Miz was never believable in a top tier position. He was the WWE Champion in the main event of Wrestlemania but he got overshadowed. He should never have been in that position to begin with. I to this day still disagree with that reign. What’s happened has happened though.

Things changed for the better with Miz in recent years. He started to get better when he began adding more layers of the “movie star” part of his gimmick. It was around the time he won the Intercontinental Championship from Ryder after Wrestlemania 32, when he had shown significant improvement. Maryse returning was a big help. I still don’t quite buy the guy as a main eventer. Put him against Reigns, Lesnar, Rollins, or any of those top guys on Raw and he seems like a joke in comparison. If he goes back to Smackdown he would be slightly more believable against AJ Styles for the World Heavyweight Championship. I don’t see it happening for a while if he does win another World Championship. He’s so close to breaking the number of times to hold the Intercontinental Championship as well as most days holding it. Let him break those records. Then maybe move him back to Smackdown and a World Heavyweight Championship run would not be as ridiculous as the last one was. I don’t want to see it happen, though I could see it happening.

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