WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Philadelphia Results (1/27) All NXT Titles On The Line, Aleister Black And Cole Take It To The Extreme, And More!

Rezar catch Fish with a big boot. O’Reilly runs in and Rezar turns him inside out with a lariat. Fish knees Rezar in the head again. O’Reilly locks in another kneebar on Akam. Fish jumps on Rezar’s back and slaps on a sleeper. Rezar gets to his feet and slams Fish on to O’Reilly to break both submissions holds. O’Reilly and Akam get to their feet. O’Reilly lays into Akam with leg kicks. Akam fires up and suplexes O’Reilly. Fish tries to attack Akam from the apron. Akam catches Fish’s leg and destroys him with a clothesline. The AOP try the Super Collider but O’Reilly hurricanranas Akam into Rezar. O’Reilly rolls up Akam for the win!

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Champions, The Undisputed Era!

War Machine is shown in the crowd watching the action.