impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results For 2/1: Austin Aries Returns And Wins The World Title, EC3 & Alberto Del Rio vs Moose & Johnny Impact 

EC3 & Alberto Del Rio vs Moose & Johnny Impact 

Johnny and EC3 start out with Johnny getting the upper hand, then Moose tags in and dropkicks EC3 after being taunted. A few quick tags keeps EC3 isolated, then Alberto distracts Moose and EC3 uses it to shove Moose in the corner. Alberto dropkicks Moose after the tag, then he applies a headlock and keeps Moose grounded before hitting a DDT. More quick tags before Moose comes back with a reverse suplex. Johnny Impact tags in and goes on a solid run before EC3 pulls the ropes and knocks him outside, then EC3 and Alberto continue to work him over after a break. Moose ends up getting the tag after Johnny looks to be beaten, but Moose made a blind tag and caught Alberto with a big lariat and picked up the win.

Winners – Moose & Johnny Impact

Eli Drake and Chris Adonis come out for the Facts Of Life and Adonis praises Eli and plays a hype video, but it ends up being a spoof of their bad moments together. Eli puts a positive spin on it and calls them the best friends that ever lived. Eli says he is actually the greatest man that ever lived (!) and that’s a fact… but Austin Aries comes out and cuts the celebration off short. Aries says he heard what Eli said, but it’s not possible for Eli to be the greatest man that ever lived, because that’s him. Aries says he has a few facts for them, and rattles off a list of accomplishments including him being a multi-time champion. Aries says they’ve never faced off before, so Eli can’t call himself great until he beats him, and he wants to lay down the challenge right now. Eli takes his jacket and scarf off and says Aries has done it all, but it’s in the past, and Aries’ best work was being a commentator and he can’t stop being E-LI DRAKE. Aries wants to walk in here and lay down a challenge, but he’s not doing it, and walks off. Aries says Drake has no balls and Adonis blindsides Aries with the title, then Eli reconsiders and calls for a referee.

Impact Wrestling Global Championship

Eli Drake (c) (w/ Chris Adonis) vs Austin Aries 

Eli goes for a quick pin but Aries kicks out, the Eli goes for a corner spear but Aries avoids it and Eli hits the ringpost. Aries elbows Adonis and knocks him off the apron, then turns and kicks Eli before hitting a Brainbuster to win.

Winner and NEW Impact Global Champion – Austin Aries