WWE Smackdown Live Results (2/20) Fastlane Card Takes Shape, AJ Styles Battles Baron Corbin in the Main Event!

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is talking with Shane McMahon. Shane asks Bryan what he wants to do. Bryan says Mahal should face Roode for the title at Fastlane. Shane says it should be Orton. Shane says Bryan is acting based on emotion. At Fastlane, Roode will face Orton and that’s final. Bryan says whatever you want, boss and walks away.

Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Naomi vs The Riott Squad

Logan and Charlotte start the match off. Charlotte says she wants Riott. Riott refuses to get in the ring. Charlotte sends Logan into Naomi, who rubs her butt in Logan’s face… The faces take turns tagging in and working over Logan. Lynch tries to suplex Logan but Logan slips behind her and slams her head first into the mat. Riott and Logan try to double suplex Lynch but Naomi saves her and they hit a double dropkick. The faces clear the ring. After a short break, Lynch hip tosses Riott over and over again. Lynch works over Riott’s arm. Naomi tags and rolls into a sunset flip for a near fall. Riott tags in Morgan. Morgan and Naomi try to shoulder block each other but neither can get a leg up. Naomi tries a clothesline but Morgan matrixes under it. Morgan tries a clothesline but Naomi does a split to avoid it. Naomi levels Morgan, then hits a split legged moonsault. Riott and Logan pull Morgan out of the ring. Naomi dives over the top rope onto Logan and Riott. As Naomi is distracted Morgan grabs Naomi and sends her head first into the ring steps.

Logan tags in and puts Naomi in the anaconda vice. Naomi fights to her feet but Logan floors her with a back elbow. Logan tries to splash Naomi in the corner. Naomi moves and hits a hurricanrana. Naomi tags in Charlotte. Charlotte knocks Morgan and Riott off the apron. Neck breaker by Charlotte. Charlotte destroys Logan with a big boot. Morgan distracts Charlotte which allows Logan to chop block Charlotte over and over again. Charlotte manages to tag in Lynch. Lynch drops Logan with a missile dropkick. Becks-plex by Lynch. Lynch manages to roll Riott into the Dis-arm-her. Morgan breaks it up. After a series of finishers, Riott surprises Lynch with the Riott Kick for the win.

Winners- The Riott Squad