Photo Credit: "TrumpMania: Vince McMahon, WWE and The Making Of America's 45th President"; Available now on Amazong

‘TrumpMania’ Author Lavie Margolin Talks Pro Wrestling’s Influence On Trump’s Presidential Campaign

WrestleZone Radio is proud to present this exclusive interview with author Lavie Margolin.

In the interview Lavie discusses his new book “TrumpMania: Vince McMahon, WWE and the making of America’s 45th President”, which is now available on Amazon.

You can find a transcribed excerpt from Lavie’s interview below. (If you use WrestleZone’s transcription elsewhere please credit WZ and include the embedded player at the top of this post.)

Purchase TrumpMania on Amazon

On why he felt the need to write this book:

LM: I wasn’t somebody that had followed politics closely up to the 2016 Presidential election. Trump was just such a fascinating and entertaining character that I found so captivating. I was always watching the debates and interviews to see what he would say. While watching it I would often remark to my wife about his background in professional wrestling and how certain characterizations of his opponents, like assigning easy nicknames to them, “Lying Ted”, Marco Rubio had the small hands… they just seem to be things that came from professional wrestling.

After election night it was actually a difficult time for my family and I. At a certain point I said, “Let’s stop talking about Donald Trump. I don’t want to think about Donald Trump. I don’t want to think about Donald Trump every night.” But as I was speaking to a friend about certain book projects I had coming up I happened to mention that I wanted to do a deeper dive into Trump’s relationship with professional wrestling and WWE. He got so excited about that idea that it got me excited about that idea.

I put everything aside, I put everything else on hold and just dove into it.


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