WWE Smackdown Live Results (2/27) John Cena Battle AJ Styles to Win a Spot in the Fastlane Main Event!

Baron Corbin vs Sami Zayn

(Kevin Owens it at the commentary desk)

Zayn antagonizes Corbin. Corbin chases Zayn out of the ring. Corbin blast Zayn with a shoulder block. Zayn rolls out of the ring. Zayn lays into Corbin with rights and lefts. Zayn slams Corbin into the commentary desk. Zayn rolls Corbin back into the ring. When Zayn tries to get back in the ring Corbin decks Zayn. Zayn falls to the outside again. Corbin charges at Zayn. Zayn back body drops Corbin over the barricade. Shane and Bryan are shown backstage. Shane asks why Owens is being allowed at the commentary desk. Bryan says Owens is great on commentary. Shane says he is too close and will try to interfere.

After the break, Zayn has Corbin in a rear chin lock. Corbin tries to fight out of it. Corbin and Zayn trade punches. Corbin charges at Zayn but Zayn moves out of the way. Corbin runs right into the turnbuckle. Zayn dives off the top but Corbin catches him with the choke breaker. Backstage, Shane walks in eating popcorn. Bryan asks if Shane has heard how inciteful Owens has been on commentary. Shane says let’s see how this all ends. Zayn tries a DDT but Corbin turns it into a body slam for a near fall. Zayn sends Corbin out of the ring. Zayn attempts a dive but Corbin catches him and slams him on the commentary desk. Zayn surprises Corbin with a small package. Corbin kicks out. Ropewalk DDT by Zayn. Dolph Ziggler hopes the barricade and Superkicks Owens in the back of the head. Zayn gets distracted and walks right into the End of Days by Corbin.

Winner- Baron Corbin

After the match, Corbin celebrates in the ring. Ziggler sneaks up behind him and hits the Zig Zag.