WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Social Media Score Rises, Young Bucks vs Bad Influence At TNA Hardcore Justice 2013 (Full Match)


According to Nielsen Social, this week’s episode of WWE RAW brought in 1.409 million total interactions, which is up from 1.325 million total interactions last week.

This week’s show saw a drop in Facebook (first figure) and Twitter (third figure) activity, but had a gain in Instagram activity to cause the overall score to rise.

Even with the rise in overall activity, RAW dropped from the top overall spot, falling behind ABC’s The Bachelor. Before this week, RAW had been the top ranked show for ten straight weeks, and 20 of the past 22 weeks.

Hardcore Justice

The following video features a full-length match between The Young Bucks (then as ‘Generation Me’) against Bad Influence at TNA Hardcore Justice 2013:

‘All In’ City And Venue Confirmed In Being The Elite Episode 95 (Video)


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