Photo Credit: NJPW

New Japan Cup Night 3 Results (3/11) Sabre vs. Naito, Ibushi vs. Yoshi-Hashi

THIRD MATCH: Toa Henare, David Finlay, Juice Robinson & Michael Elgin vs. Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens & Tanga Loa)

Juice and Yujiro start for their teams. They lock up. Yujiro grabs Juice’s locks. Yujiro bites Juice’s hand. Yujiro hits a Yakuza Kick. Yujiro hits a gut kick. Juice hits a hiptoss. Finlay tags in and hits a Double Dropkick with Juice.

Finlay and Robinson fight off all of Bullet Club. They are not strong enough to hiptoss Fale, and get dropped by a running shoulder block. Juice and Finlay end up outside. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Finlay gets rolled back into the ring, where Yujiro takes him out with a lariat. Tanga Loa tags in. Tanga Loa hits a slam and a leg drop for two. Owens tags in and rakes Finlay’s back.

Owens hits a body slam. Owens hits a body slam. Owens hits a body slam and covers Finlay for two. Fale tags in.

Fale hits a body slam. Fale sits on Finlay, but Juice breaks up the pin. Owens tags in. Owens hits Dusty Punches on Finlay, taunting Juice. Owens hits a corner lariat. Owens goes for the cannonball but Juice breaks it up and sends Owens into a European Uppercut from Finlay.

Elgin tags in. Elgin hits a body slam and a slingshot body press for two. Elgin hits a Powerslam. Elgin hits multiple corner lariats. Elgin puts Owens on the top rope. Yujiro runs in, but Elgin grabs him and Owens and hits a double powerslam for two.

Elgin hits many lariats. Elgin fights off Owens & Takahashi. Elgin lariats Yujiro. Owens superkicks Elgin. Elgin drops Owens. Henare tags in. Tanga Loa tags in.

Henare hits a running shoulder tackle. Everyone beats up Tanga Loa. Henare hits a Spear. Henare climbs to the top rope. Tanga Loa hits an Avalanche Arm Drag. Tanga Loa hits Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Tanga Loa hits Samoan Driver for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Bullet Club

FOURTH MATCH: CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii) vs. Suzuki-gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

Smith and Yano start. Yano ducks a tie up, escapes to the turnbuckle, and removes the turnbuckle pad. Yano continues to evade Davey. Davey drops Yano with a shoulder block. Ishii tags in.

Archer tags in. Ishii chops away on Archer. Ishii pummels Archer. None of it has any effect on The American Psycho. Ishii can’t drop Archer with multiple shoulder blocks. Archer drops Ishii with a shoulder block. Ishii tries a Brainbuster but gets slammed. Acrher pummels Ishii. Kanemaru pulls Ishii out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. Kanemaru rolls Ishii back in the ring, where Archer maintains dominance.

Kanemaru tags in and beats the snot out of a grounded Ishii. Davey tags in and does the same. Davey covers for two.  Ishii powers through a forearm assault. Ishii hits a German Suplex. Archer clears the apron. Archer counters a Brainbuster with a Big Boot. Archer goes for a Brainbuster but Ishii counters with a Brainbuster of his own. Goto tags in and clears the apron.

Davey fights out of a Saito Suplex attempt. Goto throws Davey into the exposed turnbuckle. Goto hits a Saito Suplex. Goto goes for a suplex, but Davey counters with a suplex of his own. Davey hits a running clothesline in the corner. Double lariats and neither man goes down. Goto drops Davey Boy with a lariat. Yano tags in.

Davey accidentally hits Archer. Davey headbutts Yano. Yano hits an inverted atomic drop. Davey hits a Big Boot. Kanemaru tags in and hits a DDT. Archer clears the apron. Suzuki-gun beats up Yano in the exposed corner. Archer and Smith throw Kanemaru onto Yano, but Ishii breaks up the pin.

Neither man gets a suplex. Kanemaru rakes the eyes. They ping pong the ref between them. Yano hits a low blow and rolls up Kanemaru for the win.