Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

New Japan Cup Night 6 Results (3/15) Sabre/Ibushi, SANADA/Yano, Okada/Tanahashi Meet In Tag Team Action, More.

THIRD MATCH: Bullet Club (Chase Owens, Tanga Loa, Yujiro Takahashi & Bad Luck Fale) vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi, Takashi Iizuka, Davey Boy Smith Jr., & Lance Archer)

Suzuki-gun assaults their opponents to start. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Finlay and Tanga Loa get in the ring. Davey dominates Tanga. Archer comes in and they attempt Killer Bomb but Tanga fights out. Archer gets sent out of the ring, where there is still plenty of brawling. Davey regains dominance over Tanga Loa. The rest of Suzuki-gun is assaulting Bullet Club in the crowd.

Davey Boy Smith hits a stalling suplex for two. Davey locks in a side headlock. Tanga Loa fights to his feet. Iizuka tags in and stomps away on Tanga Loa in the corner. Iizuka chokes Tanga Loa with the tag rope. Taichi tags in.

Tanga Loa tries to fight against Taichi but Taichi keeps him grounded. Tanga Loa hits a Backbreaker. Yujiro tags in. Yujiro hits a bulldog on Taichi. Yujiro hits a Dropkick on Iizuka. Takahashi hits a tope onto Taichi. Takahashi hits a Tope onto Iizuka. Taichi hits an Enziguri in the corner. Taichi hits a kick for two. Taichi rips off his pants. Yujiro counters the Thrust Kick. Yujiro goes for a Fisherman Buster but Taichi rakes the eyes. Yujiro hits a Reverse DDT.

Fale tags in. Archer tags in. Archer drops Fale with a crossbody. Archer goes for a suplex but Fale’s too heady. Fale hits a Samoan Drop. Chase Owens tags in and clears the apron. Bullet Club triple team Archer. Owens hits a Shining Wizard but Taichi and Iizuka breaks the pin.

Chase hits a Thrust Kick. Chase goes for a Package Piledriver, but Archer backdrops him. Chase tries to counter with a Sunset Flip, but Archer counters with a choke, but Owens counters the Chokeslam. Davey Boy comes in and they hit Killer Bomb on Chase for the pin.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

After the match, Suzuki-gun beat up Tetsuhiro Yagi & Ren Narita.

FOURTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI) vs. Suzuki-gun (El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Minoru Suzuki)

Suzuki and Naito start for their teams. Naito teases a lock up. Naito teases again and gets a kick to the rear. Naito dodges a kick and spits at Stuzuki. Naito escapes the ring. Naito teases getting back in the ring.  Naito rolls in and then rolls out. After more chasing, BUSHI tags in and Kanemaru tags in. Kanemaru and El Desperado double team BUSHI. LIJ double team Kanemaru. Takahashi tags in and dominates Kanemaru with stomps and chops.

Kanemaru hits a European Uppercut. Suzuki clears the apron, as Hiromu gets tossed from the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™. Suzuki rolls Hiromu in the ring, where Desperado waits. Suzuki tags in and stalks Hiromu.

Suzuki hits a kick to Hiromu’s body. Suzuki stomps away on Takahashi. Takahashi tries to fight back, to no avail. Suzuki locks in a Kimura. Naito goes to break it up but gets locked in the heel hook. Naito makes it to the ropes. Desperado tags in.  Suzuki works Naito’s leg on the outside.  Hiromu fights back and hits a Hurricanrana. Desperado blocks a Thrust Kick. Hiromu hits an Exploder into the turnbuckle. Naito tags in. Kanemaru tags in.

Naito hits an Armdrag and an elbow on Kanemaru and a hiptoss and dropkick on Desperado. Naito hits Slingshot Dropkick on Desperado for two.

Kanemaru runs in and hits an Enziguri. Suzuki tags in and beats on Naito. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. Naito ducks a Penalty Kick and spits in Suzuki’s face. Suzuki smacks the spit out of Naito. Naito hits an Atomic Drop and enziguri. BUSHI tags in and hits a dropkick and BUSHIroonie. Stereo dropkicks from BUSHI & Hiromu gets two.

BUSHI goes for MX but Kanemaru takes him out, Hiromu takes out Kanemaru, Desperado spears Hiromu, Suzuki throws Naito out of the ring, Suzuki locks BUSHI in the rear naked choke and hits the Gotch Piledriver for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

After the match, Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Suzuki challenged Naito.