Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

New Japan Cup Night 7 (3/16) Semi-Finals Begin

FIFTH MATCH: CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & Gedo) vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka)

Suzuki-gun assault their opponents before the bell. Suzuki chokes Okada with his own necklace. Suzuki beats on Okada, as Iizuka beats on Gedo at ringside.

Okada hits a big boot and then a running dropkick, Okada hits a Neckbreaker. Iizuka runs in but Okada counters. Okada tags Gedo and the hit a Snapmare/senton combo. Suzuki hits an rope-assisted armbar on Gedo. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™. Suzuki takes Okada over to the broadcast desk. Iizuka takes Gedo into the crowd. Gedo attacks Taichi, who’s on Japanese commentary.

Suzuki drags Gedo into the ring and rips at his beard. Suzuki dominates the Raintaker. Suzuki locks in an ankle lock. Suzuki transitions into a Single Leg Crab. Suzuki transitions into an STF. Suzuki rakes at the face of Gedo.

Iizuka tags in and stomps on Gedo. Iizuka chews on Gedo’s knee. Iizuka chews on Gedo’s skull. Iizuka chokes Gedo. Iizuka bites Gedo’s head more. Suzuki tags in and clears the apron.

Gedo fights back with body blows. Suzuki drops Gedo with a fist and covers for two. Suzuki hits a dropkick to Gedo’s knee. Gedo tags in Okada.

Okada drops Suzuki with a forearm chop. Okada hits a DDT for two. Okada slams Suzuki. Suzuki locks in a Heel Hook. Okada gets to the ropes.

Suzuki continues to work the leg of Okada. Okada fights back to his feet. They exchange stiff strikes. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Suzuki goes for the Gotch Piledriver but Okada counters with an Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker. Gedo tags in. Iizuka tags in.

Iizuka grabs Gedo’s beard. Iizuka chews on Gedo’s hand. Iizuka chews on Gedo’s foot. Iizuka chokes Gedo with a rope. Gedo chokes Iizuka with a rope. Gedo hits a Slingshot. Gedo rolls up Iizuka but the ref sees Gedo’s feet on the rope. Small Package from Gedo gets two.

Iizuka hits an inverted atomic drop. Suzuki tags in and clears the apron. Gedo fights back but Suzuki maintains dominance. Okada runs in and hits a dropkick. Gedo Clutch gets two.

Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Suzuki hits the Gotch Piledriver on Gedo for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

After the match, Suzuki challenged Okada. Both men held their titles high.

SIXTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & SANADA) vs. Suzuki-gun (El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, TAKA Michinoku & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Sabre and SANADA start the match. Sabre tries to bring SANADA to the canvas, but SANADA is too powerful. Sabre works a wristlock but SANADA flips out.

Test of Strength sees SANADA dominate. Sabre fights back but can’t get the advantage on SANADA. Sabre locks in a double wristlock. SANADA reverses into his own double wristlock. Sabre tries to counter but SANADA is too strong. Sabre flips out.

Sabre goes for the Octopus Hold, SANADA counters. Sabre locks in an abdominal stretch. SANADA counters with a hiptoss. SANADA goes for Paradise Lock but Sabre fights out. Both men attempt Octopus holds.

Naito tags in. Desperado tags in. TAKA blindsides Naito but Naito fights back. BUSHI tags in. BUSHI chokes Desperado with a t-shirt. Hiromu tags in. Hiromu chops away on Desperado. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Desperado continues his assault on Hiromu. Kanemary tags in and keeps Takahashi grounded.  Kanemaru hits a snapmare and dropkick for two.

TAKA tags in. Takahashi fights back but TAKA takes out the leg. Desperado tags in. Desperado goes for Stretch Muffler but Hiromu gets to the ropes. Hiromu hits a Hurricanrana. Hiromu hits a Lariat.

SANADA tags in. Sabre tags in. They exchange strikes.  SANADA hits a dropkick. SANADA goes for a TKO but Sabre transitions into a Kimura. SANADA goes for Skull End. Sabre tries to lock in an armbreaker. SANADA goes back to the Skull End. Sabre kicks the arms. SANADA hits a backslide for two. SANADA hits a dropkick.

BUSHI tags in. Sabre drops BUSHI. Suzuki-gun clear the apron but BUSHI fights off the triple team. Suzuki-gun triple team BUSHI for two. TAKA locks in a Bulldog Choke but Naito breaks it up. TAKA hits a Shining Wizard for two. LIJ triple team TAKA. Stereo Superkicks on TAKA gets two. BUSHI hits the Insurgente for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Los Ingobernables de Japon.

After the match, Hiromu and BUSHI attack Kanemaru and Desperado, but Roppongi 3K run in to make the save. Roppongi 3K demand a title shot.


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