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WWE Mixed Match Challenge Week 10 Results – The Miz & Asuka vs Braun Strowman & Alexa Bliss

WWE Mixed Match Challenge Week 10 Results – The Miz & Asuka vs Braun Strowman & Alexa Bliss
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE Mixed Match Challenge Week 10 Results
The Miz & Asuka vs Braun Strowman & Alexa Bliss 

Asuka and Alexa start off, but Alexa immediately tags Braun, and Miz reluctantly gets in the ring. Miz ends up tagging right back out, and Braun talks some trash but Miz tags Asuka again and refuses to start the match.

Alexa tags out this time, and Miz (ironically) taunts her for being afraid, and Braun ends up dropkicking him and gets a near fall. Asuka breaks it up and talks trash, then Braun biels Miz before Asuka gets another tag. Asuka taunts Bliss on the apron while Braun chases Miz, and Asuka splashes Bliss off the apron, and into Braun’s arms. They have another ‘awkward’ moment before Braun puts her back in the ring, then Asuka applies an armbar and Alexa gets to the ropes to break the hold. Alexa kicks Asuka in the corner a few times, then she applies a headlock but Asuka fights out and ends up getting the tag. Braun ends up hitting a kneelift before whipping Miz into the turnbuckles, then he picks up Miz and immediately drops him with a headbutt.

Braun splashes Miz in the corner and calls for the end, but Miz avoids a powerslam and chop blocks Braun’s knees. Miz continues to target the knee before kicking Braun in the chest, which only appears to anger Braun, who blocks a kick and slams Miz on the mat. Braun kicks Miz in the face and sends him outside, then Alexa calls for a tag and entices Braun by pulling his beard and looks to go in for a kiss. Miz hits Braun in the back before it happens, then he chases Miz around the ringside area and whips him into the barricade. Braun whips Miz back in the ring, but Miz gets the tag, and Asuka unloads with corner splashes and leg lariats before knocking Bliss down with a roundhouse kick and a running knee strike.

Bliss elbows Asuka in the corner and dropkicks Miz through the ropes, then Braun charges over and tackles Miz through the timekeeper’s area. Alexa looks at the carnage, but turns around to avoid Asuka charging at her in the corner. Bliss runs back and eats a boot, then comes right back and gets a rollup for a two count. Bliss goes for a DDT, but Asuka counters and makes her tap out to the Asuka Lock.

Winners – Asuka & The Miz


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