Photo Credit: PattyImages/Hard Body Photography

Exclusive: Vinny Marseglia Explains ‘The Kingdom Conspiracy’ In ROH, Calls Bullet Club ‘Totally Vulnerable’, Talks Kingdom v SoCal, More

Exclusive: Vinny Marseglia Explains ‘The Kingdom Conspiracy’ In ROH, Calls Bullet Club ‘Totally Vulnerable’, Talks Kingdom v SoCal, More
Photo Credit: PattyImages/Hard Body Photography

On why we have begun to see red balloons following him around:

VM: I decided at The Manhattan Center that I was going to bring red balloons out. It just very creepy for “The Horror King” to be wielding an axe and coming out with these red balloons. Every time the red balloons come out it creates a kind of danger zone for my opponents. Basically, what “The Horror King” is is all of your favorite horror films in one man which would be me, Vinny Marseglia. The red balloons are just something that I love now. Just like the axe they are something that I come out with and I really love having them. It’s absolutely shades of It. There is nothing more terrifying than a wacky, nutcase like myself holding red balloons, right? When the red balloons are out… you’re in trouble.

On if he has gotten blowback about carrying around his axe, especially in the wake of the recent Sami CallihanEddie Edwards ball bat incident:

VM: Yeah, sure but… you know… don’t get in the way.

Some people hate it but it’s part of me. I haven’t used it yet the way that I watch in my movies and they use it. I get some flack for it but I think that it’s just part of my thing. Usually what happens is I go out there with it and somehow the axe gets kicked out or ejected from the building. That actually happened at a live stream of ROH’s in North Carolina. The ref will literally take it and put it on the commentary table or something like that.

I have grabbed it and I have swung it and… you know… if you don’t want to get hit by the axe, get out of the way.


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