WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (3/27) Daniel Bryan Challenges Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura Plays Mind Games with AJ Styles

After the break, Mahal has Roode in a modified cobra clutch. Roode fights out of it but ends up running into a boot by Mahal. Mahal tags in Rusev, who stomps on Roode’s back. Deadlift gut wrench suplex by Rusev. Rusev chokes Roode on the second rope. Mahal is back in. Roode lands a few strikes. Orton tags himself in. Roode and Orton argue about the tag. Mahal tags in Rusev. Orton clotheslines Rusev. Snapping power slam by Orton. Orton hits the hangman’s DDT. Orton calls for the RKO. Mahal gets in the ring. Roode accidentally hits Orton. Orton RKOs Roode. Rusev Machka Kicks Orton and gets the pin.

Winners- Jinder Mahal and Rusev

Backstage, Mahal finds Rusev. Mahal thanks Rusev for helping him tonight. Mahal asks Rusev to come to his championship party after WrestleMania. Rusev can even bring a guest! Rusev thanks Mahal but he is going to go find Daniel Bryan and since he pinned the U.S.champ he is going to have the triple threat match for the U.S. title turned into a fatal four way.

Backstage, Shinsuke Nakamura walks into AJ Styles locker room. Nakamura asks if Styles ok. Styles says he is fine. Nakamura says Styles confidence is shaken. Nakamura says he wants Styles at his best. Nakamura asks Styles to be in his corner tonight. Styles agrees because he wants to make sure Nakamura is at his best.


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