WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/2) Stephanie Puts Rousey Through a Table, Cena Challenges Undertaker Again, Reigns Confronts Lesnar!

Bayley vs Sonya Deville w/Absolution

After a leapfrog exchange, Bayley takes Deville down with a cross body. Bayley walks the ropes and takes Deville over with a headlock takeover. Deville drives Bayley into the corner. Bayley hotshots Deville into the corner. Baylay botches an arm drag takedown off the second rope. Bayley puts Deville in a seated armbar. After the break Bayley hits a crossbody off the top. Sliding knee by Bayley for a near fall. Bayley gets the pin after a quick roll up.

Winner- Bayley

After the match, Mandy Rose and Deville attack Bayley. Sasha Banks hits the ring and makes the save. After the match, Banks tells Bayley to raise her hand. Bayley says she didn’t need her help. Banks gets in Banks’ face. Bayley decks Banks. During their fight, Rose and Deville run back in the ring and lay both Sasha and Bayley out.