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Is Now A Good Time To Invest In WWE Stock?; Six Things To Know Before RAW (Video)

Is Now A Good Time To Invest In WWE Stock?; Six Things To Know Before RAW (Video)
Photo Credit: Alpha Entertainment

Is Now A Good Time To Invest In WWE Stock?

Ledger Gazette reported that the average rating for WWE stock is a ‘buy’.

We have included an excerpt from their report below:

WWE (NYSE:WWE) has earned an average rating of “Buy” from the fifteen brokerages that are presently covering the stock, Marketbeat.com reports. Four investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and ten have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average 12-month price target among brokerages that have covered the stock in the last year is $38.25.

To read the full report click HERE.

RELATED: Is Rusev Backstage At RAW For Superstar Shakeup?

Six Things To Know Before RAW

WWE posted the following video:

The first night of the 2018 Superstar Shake-up and more gets underway on tonight’s Raw.

6 things you  need to know before tonight's Raw: April 16, 2018


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