Jay White
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Jay White

New Japan Road To Wrestling Dontaku (4/24) IWGP US Title Match, Ishii/Henare, More

FOURTH MATCH: Toa Henare vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Henare charges Ishii to start. The two exchange forearms until Ishii slows it down with a side headlock. Henare tries to fight out but gets grounded by the hold. Henare tries to throw Ishii off again but gets ground into the canvas into an almost crossface. Henare tries to fight to his feet. Ishii brings Henare to his knees. Henare fights to his feet but can’t break the hold. Henare finally breaks the hold but gets floored by a shoulder tackle. Henare rebounds and tries to drop Ishii. Henare gets dropped by another shoulder block. Ishii takes Henare to ringside and throws him into all the barricades.

Back in the ring and Ishii maintains his dominance with stiff kicks. Ishii locks in a Boston Crab. Henare fights to the ropes.

Ishii chops at Henare’s chest. Ishii delivers more stiff kicks. Henare powers back and unleashes a vicious shoulder tackle. Henare tries to kick at Ishii but gets chopped in the throat repeatedly. Ishii corners Henare and chops away at the New Zealander. Ishii hits a Brainbuster. Ishii goes for the Boston Crab but Henare fights out.

Henare hits a flying shoulder tackle. Henare corners Ishii and chops him in the throat repeatedly. Henare hits a Samoan Drop. Henare climbs to the top rope. Henare hits a Diving Shoulder Tackle for two.

Henare goes for a spear but Ishii blocks it. Henare hits a back body drop. Ishii drops Henare. Ishii hits a German Suplex. Ishii hits a second German Suplex. Ishii hits a third German Suplex. Ishii hits a Saito Suplex for two.

Henare hits a Samoan Drop. Henare hits a corner lariat. Ishii and Henare smack the snot out of each other. Henare hits a German Suplex. Henare hits a Spear for two.

Multiple Lariats can’t fell Ishii. Ishii hits a headbutt. Henare hits a Lariat for two.

Henare hits multiple headbutts but falls to one from Ishii. Ishii hits a lariat. Ishii hits a sliding lariat for two.

Ishii goes for a Brainbuster but Henare rolls him up in a Small Package for two. Henare hits a Spear for two. Henare goes for a Uranage but Ishii fights out. Ishii counters another Uranage with a Dragon Suplex. Ishii hits a Lariat for two.

Ishii hits a Vertical Drop Brainbuster for the pinfall.

WINNER: Tomohiro Ishii

FIFTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi, EVIL & SANADA) vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)

LIJ attack Suzuki-gun to start. While the teams brawl at ringside, Hiromu and Desperado exchange strikes. BUSHI tags in and helps Hiromu double team Desperado for a nearfall. BUSHI gets pulled out of the ring and Everyone Brawls At Ringside™.

In the ring Davey Boy Smith Jr. slams BUSHI repeatedly. Archer tags in and hits a huge swinging slam on BUSHI for a nearfall.

Archer hits a Lariat. Suzuki tags in. Suzuki grounds BUSHI. Suzuki chops and throws BUSHI for a nearfall. Suzuki throws stiff kicks to the back of BUSHI for a nearfall. Kanemaru tags in.

BUSHI fights off Kanemaru and hits a hurricanrana on Desperado. BUSHI hits a DDT on Kanemaru. SANADA tags in. Archer tags in.

SANADA hits a low dropkick. SANADA goes for Paradise Lock but Smith stops him. Smith eats a dropkick from SANADA. Archer fights off SANADA and EVIL but falls to a lariat senton combo.

Archer blocks a double suplex and suplexes EVIL and SANADA at once. Archer hits a corner elbow. Archer goes for Blackout but EVIL fights out. EVIL hits a Lariat. Naito tags in. Suzuki tags in. They fight.

Naito hits a sliding dropkick, a neckbreaker and a swinging neckbreaker. Suzuki locks in a Heel Hook. Suzuki transitions into a Figure Four Leglock. Naito fights to the ropes.

Naito hits an Enziguri. Naito hits a DDT. Hiromu tags in. Hiromu hits a dropkcik. LIJ beats up Suzuki. A wild brawl erupts, clearing the ring. Suzuki locks Hiromu in a Heel Hook. Naito breaks it up. Suzuki locks Naito in a heel hook. BUSHI breaks it up. Hiromu hits Suzuki with a Thrust Kick for two.

Suzuki locks in a rear naked, transitions to the Gotch Piledriver and gets the pinfall.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

SIXTH MATCH: Taguchi Japan (Ryusuke Taguchi, Juice Robinson & Hiroshi Tanahashi) vs. CHAOS (Gedo, Hirooki Goto & Kazuchika Okada)

Okada and Tanahashi start the match. They lock up. Okada gets Tanahashi on the ropes and breaks. Tanahashi gets Okada on the ropes, but Okada dodges a punch. Okada pummels Tanahashi. Okada hits a European Uppercut. Gedo tags in.

Gedo hits Dusty Punches on Tanahashi but falls to a European Uppercut. Goto runs in and beats on Tanahashi. Okada throws Tanahashi out of the ring. Goto brawls with Juice. Everyone Brawls At Ringside™.

Okada rolls Tanahashi into the ring, where Gedo rakes the eyes. Goto tags in and drops Tanahashi with an axe handle for a nearfall. Okada tags in.

Okada hits a Sliding Dropkick. Tanahashi gets to his feet but hits strikes have very little effect on Okada. Okada hits a neckbreaker. Gedo tags in and taunts Tanahashi. Goto tags in. Goto stomps away on Tanahashi. Goto hits a snapmare and back kick for a nearfall.

Goto locks in a chinlock. Tanahashi fights back and hits a Dragon Screw. Juice tags in and clears the apron. Juice hits Dusty Punches on Goto. Juice hits a Spinebuster. Juice hits a top rope dive for two.

Juice hits a corner lariat. Goto hits a spinning wheel kick. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. Taguchi tags in. Gedo tags in. Gedo pokes Taguchi in the eyes. Gedo hits an Atomic Drop. Gedo blocks the hip attack. Taguchi hits a springboard hip attack. Taguchi hits repeated hip attacks, including one from the floor to the apron. Taguchi hits Bomaye Hip Attack for two. Taguchi locks in the ankle lock. Okada breaks up the submission.

Gedo blocks Dodon with Complete Shot. Okada tags in and hits Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker for two. Okada slams Taguchi and hits a Top Rope Elbow Drop. Tanahashi runs in and tries to stop Okada but falls to a dropkick. Okada hits Tombstone on Tanahashi on the outside of the ring. Okada goes for Rainmaker, but Taguchi goes for Dodon, but Okada counters with a Tombstone. Okada locks in the Cobra Clutch and Taguchi submits.


After the match, Juice and Goto brawled furiously.