impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results From 4/25 *Spoilers*

The Cult of Lee defeated KM & Fallah Bahh

– Fallah accidentally Samoan dropped KM, which led to Cult Of Lee’s win. KM pushed Fallah down after the match and says he will always be a loser


Katarina Leigh defeated Scarlett Bordeaux

Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results From 4/24 *Spoilers*

Brian Cage defeated Rohit Raju

– Matt Sydal comes out and says Cage might be strong, but he can see through his third eye that Cage has inner weakness. Sydal says he can make Cage the strongest he’s ever been… if he gives up his X Division title shot. Cage hits him with a F5 for his troubles

DJZ & Andrew Everett defeated Aerostar & Drago 

– Aerostar is reportedly hurt during the match as a medic, Sonjay Dutt, Taya Valkyrie, and Scott D’Amore are out with him in the ring. It was noted that his legs were moving while he was on the ground before he was helped to the back

Moose defeated Kongo Kong 

Eli Drake defeated Scott Steiner 

Matt Sydal defeated El Hijo Del Fantasma


Grado defeated Rohit Raju