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Cheeseburger Comments On Using The Palm Strike Move, Chris Jericho Taking Notice, Setting Goals For Himself

Cheeseburger recently spoke with Interactive Wrestling Radio; you can read a few highlights below:

Cheeseburger on how Charlie Haas helped give him his ring name: 

“(laughs) Ah yes, absolutely. I actually just saw Charlie again recently. I had a show in Texas. It was good to see him again. He was at a Ring of Honor show in Baltimore in I believe 2013 – January of that year. I was doing ringside student duties like collecting streamers and stuff like that. He called me into the ring and started yelling at me on the mic. Cheeseburger was just a nickname I had and people that trained at the Ring of Honor school knew me as that. On the mic, he called me Cheeseburger and the people started chanting it. When I got to the back, they were like “We might have something here. Lets roll with it!””

Cheeseburger comments on being granted the Palm Strike finish from Jushin Thunder Liger:

“Liger is my favorite wrestler of all time. He’s what I aspire to be as a professional wrestler. He is the guy I look to as what a professional wrestler is. Just look at his career accomplishments and all the stuff he’s done. He’s still doing it, he’s like over 50 and still doing it at a high level. It is an honor to spend time with him and learn from him and have him pass down his Palm Strike to me.”

Cheeseburger comments on Chris Jericho taking a shine to him:

“Oh, Jericho’s awesome! (laughs) It is funny how things turn out. I started getting a ton of notifications on Twitter. Jericho was at home and Ring of Honor happened to be on. I think he saw the match with me and Bob Evans from Toronto in Ring of Honor. He didn’t know who I was but he tweeted about liking this Cheeseburger guy or “This Cheeseburger guy is my new favorite wrestler.” People started tagging me in the post! All of a sudden, my Twitter was blowing up. People were texting me saying, “Go to Twitter! Jericho’s taking about you!” I was like, “What?” (laughs) I sent him a message thanking him for the shout out. He invited me on his podcast and we actually did a Talk is Jericho show together.”

Cheeseburger says he sets small goals for himself instead of a major one: 

“I like to set myself up with small goals rather than a big goal. For instance, when I first started training, my goal was not to headline Wrestlemania or Final Battle or something like that. My goal was to just have my first match. Then it was to have my first match on TV or my first match out of state. My goal now is to progress up the card and hopefully win my first title maybe this year or next year.”


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