(Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

Drew McIntyre Calls Out WWE Locker Room; How Much Does WWE Profit From House Shows?

(Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for SiriusXM)

Drew McIntyre Calls Out WWE Locker Room

WWE.com released an exclusive interview with RAW Superstar Drew McIntyre. McIntyre talked about the complacency he sees in the WWE locker room and was ‘rankled’ by Superstars he saw as not ‘pushing themselves.’ McIntyre elaborated,

“I remember thinking, ‘Man, people are so relaxed now,’ acting like it’s not live RAW. There’s no tension in the air. Everyone is just getting along like we’re at band camp. There are Superstars that deserve to be at the top and do give everything; but, unfortunately,  vast majority wouldn’t have survived 11 years ago when I got signed.” h/t: NoDQ

Those interested in reading WWE’s full interview with Drew McIntyre may do so HERE.

RELATED: WWE Hall Of Famer Thinks Drew McIntyre Is ‘Going To Be One Of The Next Big Stars’

How Much Does WWE Profit From House Shows?

Dave Meltzer tweeted the following showing that the WWE profited $37,000 per house show during the last quarter. The amount excludes merchandise.