Photo Credit: WrestleZone, All In Press Conference

Are The Young Bucks Planning For A Jump To WWE Anytime Soon?

Are The Young Bucks Planning For A Jump To WWE Anytime Soon?
Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

The Young BucksNick Jackson was pleaded to on Twitter for him and his brother Matt to make the jump to WWE as soon as they can. Jackson took the opportunity to give folks a down-low on if such a move was in the works for the All In co-founders:

The Young Bucks are and have been champions of being highly successful in indy wrestling and they (along with several others) have established an identity that separates themselves from the sterilized and corporate vibe that’s seeping out of the pores of the current WWE product. These huge TV deals will likely expand that vibe further so it would certainly be a huge blow for the non-WWE wrestling scene if Matt & Nick were to set sail for Stamford, but they honestly have no reason to. They control their personas, their schedule and their merchandise and they’re doing a bang-up job of it. Nick however, always with the right mindset, doesn’t want to rule out that WrestleMania fantasy for fans.

RELATED: Hulk Hogan Praises The Young Bucks; Word Association With EC3 (Video)


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